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Whatcha Doin' Out There!? - Feb 2022

OE News

February has been a fun month of winter activities. It was a blessing to be able to have a lot of snow to enjoy.  We did a lot in the snow to explore and consider what is happening outside with creatures.  We also had a number of grades spend some time enjoying the new snow shoes and enjoying creation in a new way.  

Kindergarten - In Kindergarten we explored in a number of ways for OE.  We practiced patterns with materials outside in the snow and natural materials inside. We played in the snow on a snowshoe hike one week. We practiced the letters C, D, and J with sleds.  So much fun in the snow!

1st - In first grade we spent time learning about animals in winter and how they act in the snow.  We then went outside and pretended to be some of the animals.  We also learned about the signs of spring and where to watch for them in the next few weeks.  We spent a day talking about wind as well and made paper helicopters that acted like seeds.  

2nd - Second grade was able to get a chance on the snow shoes before it all melted and turned to ice.  We had a great time exploring and finding the snow fleas.  We also spent time beginning to learn about how to read maps and directions.  We practiced with a compass and followed directions to a treasure chest.  Then students played hide and seek using a map to mark a token they hid for their partner.  

3rd - We have been learning all about chickens this month! We’ve observed their behavior, did a sight drawing, learned the names and functions of the parts of their body! Including the organs the chicken. We also planted 400 viola seeds for our Earth Day celebration next month!

4th - Fourth graders took their exploration of Michigan’s lumbering industry to the next level and tried out various tools that were a part of the trade. They also enjoyed using sleds to talk about potential and kinetic energy. They investigated whether more mass made a difference on their speed or distance on the sleds.

5th grade - We’ve just begun an OE writing project in LA, writing to MI’s department of education to convince them to make Outdoor Education mandatory for all 5th graders in our state. With this project, we are learning all about persuasive writing. The fifth graders have enjoyed getting to know the goats better through chores and are starting to get prepared for baby goats, which will be arriving in about a month! We learned about goat pregnancy and the requirements and growth curve of baby goats and will be preparing for them more next month.

6th grade - We’ve continued our commitments to our chickens this month, despite the excitements of Olympics and Exploratories, they have been exemplary workers! We’ve had fun watching our roosters learn to cockle-doodle-doo and our young hens get closer to laying. We learned some different methods of chicken raising and how those methods are described on eggs we buy at the store and discussed the ethics, economics, and enjoyment of each model. We learned that our chickens are technically “free range.”

7th - In seventh grade we wrapped up fires by making our own stoves.  We made simple alcohol burning stoves with pop cans.  We had a chance to try them out as well as we warmed up some water to make our own hot chocolate. These little stoves might even come in handy on the class backpacking trip. For March we will begin getting busy in the business of syrup as the 7th graders help collect sap!

8th - We had a little less time in February with snow days and exploratoires, but 8th graders are wrapping up the presentations and will finally get their chance to share them.  In March they will present to their classmates and a small group of teachers and staff what they think are the pros and cons of the ideas and from their staff will help to finalize a decision.