4's & Four Day 4’s Preschool
Each preschool class at ACS begins and ends their day with worship/prayer. We look forward to praying for our friends and family, giving thanks to Him for good things in our lives, and discovering all the WOW in His amazing world through our learning. The teachers strive to connect His creation, goodness, and love through each unit of study, friendship formation, and more. We consider it a huge privelege to share these things with your child and your family, and to partner with you in his/her learning, development, and spiritual journey.
This class provides children with their first or second school experience. It continues to progress into developing your child’s success with friends and school routine, and adequately prepares them for kindergarten.
In the classroom
Worship songs are introduced monthly along with weekly themes that often tie in with the letter of the week. A couple examples are Q is for queen (Queen Esther), and E is for Easter (a special Easter apron story about Jesus). Students travel through the Jesus Storybook Bible learning about the perfect world, how it became broken and how the world needed a Rescuer. Children have a daily prayer time at snack and also at the beginning and end of the day. All of His creation is viewed through the lens of how amazing He is and what a wonderful loving God we have.
Concepts are incorporated around the theme/letter of week, with numerous changes made monthly/weekly in the classroom. Puzzles, fine motor sorting activities, building toys, creative play areas, water/sand table activities all help to encourage the letter/sound of the week. Example: H is for house week (horse puzzle, house set-up for dramatic play, doll house fun, hearts to count, heart game, house making with paper, playmobil horses, heart tracing, hearts and playdough, and more)
Books and stories are introduced based on the letter/theme of the week. A variety of books are set out for children to pretend read, as well as the teacher reading. Each week, a phonetic book is introduced to the students as well to encourage the sounds of each letter. Numerous fingerplays, action songs, and counting activities on the flannel/magnetic board are introduced as well. Children are encouraged to share their thoughts on stories and activities as well. Pre-reading calendar songs and activities.
Students continue to build self-care and self-dress skills; zipping their own coat and more. Children are exposed to time in the gym with a wide variety of activities; many times incorporating the letter/theme of the week. Example: t is for t-ball. The playground is also used for developing age-appropriate gross motor skills like running, jumping, climbing, swinging, etc. Gross motor activities are also used for special fun including freeze games, musical chairs, parachute play, bean bag fun, and more. Hikes around our outdoor classroom are also included.
Children are exposed to tracing activities, playdough activities, magnetic board fun, and wood piece creations for the letter of the week, which is part of Handwriting without Tears. Coloring in the lines is also part of their writing development that is encouraged each week as well. Numerous age-appropriate tools are set out for children to explore; scissors, cutting activities, sticker fun, bingo-dot coloring, pencils, stencils and more.
Students have numerous play times outside in all seasons, along with a biweekly outdoor education experience. Highlights include spider exploring in the woods, digging for worms, and more. These students also experience outdoor field trips here on the ACS grounds.
Highlighted themes for this age:
- Heavenly lights (stars)
- Olympics week
- The USA flag
- The Sacagawea adventure
- Seeds
Four Day 4's program (4 days a week)
Open to students turning 4 by June 01, 2022.
This class will be all the things of our regular 4's program along with the opportunity to explore additional pre-writing skills, alphabet and number games, independent skills and more on a small group level. Students will also engage in more outdoor activities.