Moms in Prayer
Moms In Prayer at Ada Christian School meets every Thursday to pray for our kids, our school and our staff (from 8:00-9:00am in the Office conference room). All are welcome, and we encourage you to come even if the idea is uncomfortable. Some of us who have been coming for awhile, were resistant at first. There are mornings when some of us never speak; but are blessed just by being in the presence of the Holy Spirit and witness His "way" with our hearts. We hope you prayerfully consider. If you are unable to attend, we want to encourage you to let us pray for your children... No prayer request is too small for our God; he is so good. He hears us when we cry out to him and when we praise his name.
Every week, we focus on an attribute or characteristic of our Lord, and then tie that into how we pray for the needs of our children. It would be a privilege to lift your child to the Father with any specific or general concern.
If you have prayer requests or praises that you would like prayed on your behalf, please email them to Kelly Stafford (ten.tsacmoc@droffats-kj).
What is prayed in the group, stays in the group.
"The power of prayer doesn't depend on the virtue of the one who prays,
but on the unchanging love of the One who hears."
– Jentezen Franklin
Download a sample prayer sheet (1 MB PDF).
Find out more about Moms In Prayer International.