5th Grade
Fifth grade at Ada Christian is faith-filled, fun, and is all around fantastic! We work hard academically... studying new concepts in math and science, learning how to be better writers, but we also play hard. Some highlights are Goat Duty, T-Time (our chapel), Survival Camp, SEED Market, Spring Camp, and Gospel Theater. We strive to build and strengthen relationships between teacher and student, with peers and, more importantly, with God.
In Fifth grade you can expect your child to be challenged, appreciated, and cared for within a community. We desire to teach the kids about the Christian journey and taking the "hard, but right way" which happens with a relationship with Jesus. We love this age group and love being a part of fifth grade.
Curriculum Highlights
Fifth graders at Ada Christian School use and develop scientific models on both a large and small scale. From the solar system to particles inside mixtures and solutions, students investigate the intricacies of God’s creation. A large portion of the year is spent studying the relationships between Earth’s many living things.
In math we cover seven key units that will help students build a strong foundation for upcoming math courses. The general units that we do cover are Place Value, Division, Decimals, Fractions, Expressions & Patterns, Problem Solving, and Geometry & Measurement.
We spend special time helping students grow in their ability to solve multi-step problems. We show and encourage the process of problem solving and mathematical thinking. These skills are foundational for them as they continue to grow in their math abilities.
Language Arts
- Continue to strengthen reading comprehension skills through reading to self, teacher read-alouds, and reading units
- Review formal grammar skills and focus on using correct grammar in reading and writing
- Increase writing stamina through daily journals as well as work on formal writings such as personal narratives, persuasive essays and informational writings throughout the year.
- Use the Sitton spelling curriculum
In Bible we begin the year by studying the Pentateuch. By this point most of the 5th graders have heard the stories of the Patriarchs and the covenants that God made with His people. We dig a little deeper and try to discover what God was revealing to His people then and how that can shape our faith today.
In November and December we talk about our world and its people through a Global Awareness unit. Each 5th grader is assigned an identity from a developed, developing, and underdeveloped country. We wrestle through topics of empathy and Biblical justice as it relates to our global community. Students participate in a number of simulations such as Rice Week, the Water Walk, and SEED Market throughout this unit.
The second half of the year is spent on our Jesus Project. Through a series of readings, writings, illustrations and plays, we look at the miracles, parables, and teachings that Jesus used to teach His people.

Physical Education
Physical Education is offered two times a week for 30 minutes each. In 5th grade our focus is on gaining the knowledge and practicing the skills needed to play different sports and activities. An exciting experience in 5th grade is tackling the game of lacrosse.
5th Grade is the third year of our Spanish program and is a transitional year preparing students for the 6th - 8th grade curriculum. Students continue to build their vocabulary and language skills through the natural means of story telling, and reading. A variety of short stories are used in class, as well as various reading selections, cultural themes, and mini projects.
Special Events
In September, we brave the woods of Camp Tall Turf by building no-match fires, sleeping in squirrel huts, and competing in our final “Survivor” event.