Policies & Procedures
School Absenteeism – Attendance impacts education.
Students are expected to be prompt and prepared.
We learn in community so when a student misses class, it impacts the learning of the individual student and also the learning of others. Sharing in class discussions, collaborating in group settings, and participating in activities cannot be duplicated outside of class or replaced by individual study.
We understand that students may have to miss school due to illness, appointments, and family emergencies. Some absences may be unavoidable; however, please help limit the number of days our students miss school.
Students missing 10 days will be considered “frequently” absent, and students missing 15 days will be considered “habitually” absent. If students miss 10 or more days of school, please provide doctor excuses as often as possible for us to place in the student files.
Students attendance is tracked according to eighths of the day (about 50-minute increments).
Parents will be notified when students reach 10 absences in a school year and for every 5 absences following. Copies of the notifications will be placed in our students’ files.
If your child must stay home because of illness, please call the school or email the school secretary before 8:15am. Please indicate if you expect your child to be absent several days.
Please help our days get off to a smooth start by having students arrive no later than 7:55am , allowing students to be promptly in class by 8:00am. Students arriving between 8:00am and 8:10am will be marked tardy. Tardies begin our days with disruptions to important morning routines for individual students and classrooms as a whole.
We understand that unexpected circumstances may surface and make it impossible to get students to school on time occasionally, but do ask parents to do what they can to get students to school on time on a regular basis. Students entering class after 8:00am are tardy. Parents will be notified by letter when students reach 5 tardies in one trimester and for every 5 tardies following. Copies of the letters will be placed in our students’ files.
Please make an effort to limit vacation trips to school scheduled vacation times.
Avoid taking an extra day or two before and after school vacations. Teachers often plan to finish a unit just prior to a vacation period. It is difficult to help a student who has missed the completion of a unit, or a test, and has been away from the material for some time.
Please inform teachers with as much advance notice as possible when your child will be absent for a vacation.
Elementary teachers will hold any worksheets given out while a student is gone. These can be picked up when the student returns. The teachers are not required to prepare assignments or schoolwork in advance for students to take on vacation. Sometimes the teacher may request the student to complete a journal during the trip and to turn that in to the teacher.
Appointments & Temporary Withdrawal from School
Please use the call button to the left of our main entrance doors to call the office or you may call from a cell phone to get assistance with checking students in or out during the day. All students returning mid-day must check in at the main office as soon as they arrive.
Alcohol, Drugs & Cigarettes
If a student is found using or possessing alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes at school or a school sponsored activity, suspension will be effective immediately and a conference will be scheduled with the parents and student to determine further action and discipline.
Allergen Policies
Food Allergy Policy
If a student has a severe allergy to a food item, we request that parents of other students in that classroom follow the guidelines for allowable foods in that room.
Latex Policy
Please do not bring or send latex balloons to school due to some severe allergies among our constituents.
Pet Policy
Because, many students suffer from asthma and allergies, please do not bring any pets into school at anytime. Pet dander is nearly impossible to remove from carpeting, and may adversely affect the health of these students.
Building Rental Policy
General Provisions
- School facilities are intended primarily for use in providing an education for those children attending our school.
- School facilities are available for use by groups when not needed for scheduled school activities.
- School groups, supporting families, or church groups with qualified members (Art. II, A.C.S. By-Laws) will be given priority for the use of school facilities. The requests must be made in a timely manner to be able to accommodate.
Ada Christian School recognizes the Lord’s Day and chooses not to open or rent the building on Sundays. Exceptions for worship services and other church activities will be considered.
Applications & Reservations
- Application for the use of facilities must be made at the school office (hours 8:00 am to 3:30 pm) at least five days in advance. Applications will not be accepted for more than one year in advance.
- A tentative reservation may be made at the time of initial contact with the school.
- Final approval will be given after written application and payment is received in the school office.
- The written application, made on forms provided by the school office, must clearly identify the group making the application and the name of the person who will be responsible while facilities are used.
- The written application must indicate the date and hours facilities are needed, the nature of the activity planned and attendance expected, and the equipment needed.
- The Board reserves the right to determine which applications will be approved or not be approved.
- Cancellation must be made at least two days prior to the scheduled use date.
- A family or group may not reserve the facilities on the same holiday for two consecutive years.
- Building Rental Guidelines will be given to each party renting Ada Christian facilities.
Recreational Activity Regulations
- Renting party must provide responsible adult supervision for the entire time facilities are used.
- Renting party must assume full responsibility for injuries that may occur, and for damages, and must agree to reimburse the school for any damages to the building, furnishings or equipment.
- All those engaged in athletic activity must wear gym shoes which do not leave black marks.
- Permission to admit spectators or to dispense food or beverages must be secured in advance.
- Smoking and the use of alcoholic beverages on the premises are prohibited.
- Full custodial services are required for most building rentals to open and close the school and to be responsible for cleaning the facilities. Occasionally this may be required of the renting party.
- If the renting party is responsible for control and picking up equipment, they must leave the building clean and in good order and must turn off all lights and close and lock all doors and windows.
- Any renting party which fails to clean up properly, making it necessary for the school custodian to do so, will be billed for this work at the current hourly rate. (Removal of black marks must be done by the custodian.)
- Use of the gym facilities does not include use of other parts of the building.
- Use of facilities is only for the time stated on the application.
- All recreational use of facilities shall end by 11:00pm.
Social Activity Regulations
Same as Recreational Activities regulations #’s 1,2,5,7,8,9,10 & 11 plus:
- Renting party must give clear instructions in advance relative to needs and wishes for seating or make its own arrangement for setting up/taking down tables, chairs, etc.
- The use of the public address system will be included in the rental of the gymnasium/auditorium for social activities if requested.
- Temporary decorations which meet fire code standards may be used but they must be attached in such a manner that no damage to building or equipment occurs, and they must be completely removed from the premises immediately following the use of facilities.
- The use of refrigerator, stove, coffee urns, sinks and counters in the kitchen can be arranged through the office at the time the application is made.
- The dishwasher and garbage disposal may be operated only by authorized persons.
- The renting party will then be responsible for cleaning any kitchen equipment used, and disposing of garbage in the dumpster.
- Any renting party which fails to clean up properly when assigned its responsibility, making it necessary for the school custodian to do so, will be billed for this work at the current rate per hour. Black heel marks must be removed by the custodian.
- Use of the gym or kitchen facilities does not include use of other parts of the building.
- Use of facilities is only for the time agreed upon and the building must be cleared at the closing time indicated on the approved application.
- All social activities shall end by 11:00pm.
Building Rental Rates
Please check with the school office regarding rental rates.
Complaint Procedures
When concerns arise, it is important that parents and staff discuss the issues involved. Normally, the following steps are used following the reading of Matthew 18:15-16 –
If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
- Teacher – As a first step, a parent should speak directly with the teacher with whom he/she has a concern.
- Principal – If no resolution is reached, the parent and teacher are encouraged to speak with the principal. In more serious situations, the principal should attempt to bring the parents and teachers together to resolve the problem.
- Ada Christian Education Committee – Parents or staff members may appeal to the Ada Christian Education Committee. All appeals to the education committee will be made in writing. All parties involved will receive a copy of the appeal. Both parties will be given the opportunity to appear before the committee and each may request that the other be present when the matter is considered by the committee.
- Ada Christian Board – Either party may appeal to the Ada Christian Board by contacting the family’s board representative. Both parties will be given the opportunity to appear before the Board and each may request that the other be present when the matter is considered by the Board.
Procedural Guidelines for Complaints:
If either party is not satisfied with the decision, an appeal may be made to the next authority.
- Either party (parent or teacher) will be granted audience to the next authority (authorities in this procedure are understood to be Principal, Education Committee and Board). Each subsequent step should not be taken until the previous steps have been used.
- All appeals must be in writing.
- Written documentation must be kept of all meetings.
- Any authority receiving an appeal shall act promptly and present its decision in writing to the parties involved and the prior authority which has been involved in dealing with the complaint. A response to appeal shall be given within 30 days from the date of appeal.
- The Board president and Education Committee chair must be kept fully informed of all appeal situations.
Communicable Disease Control Policy
- Ada Christian School will work cooperatively with local, county and state agencies to enforce and adhere to the State Health Codes for prevention, control and containment of communicable diseases in our school.
- The principal will exclude a child who is out of compliance with the required immunization schedule. School personnel will complete and coordinate all immunization data, waivers and exclusions including the necessary Immunization Assessment Program forms to provide for preventable communicable disease control.
- The principal may exclude students and/or personnel from school who are suspected or diagnosed with a communicable disease or whose exposure to a communicable disease may threaten the well-being of that individual. All reportable communicable diseases will be referred to the local health unit by the building level principal.
- The decision to close school due to a communicable disease outbreak is at the discretion of the school’s administration. If desired, consultation about such decisions may be provided by a committee from the School Board and/or Communicable Disease Review Panel.
- Communicable Disease is a serious concern in the community. The afflicted individual may be asked to submit information to appropriate consultants, including the Communicable Disease Review Panel and the local health unit.
ACS Dress Code
At Ada Christian School we praise God and promote His kingdom in all areas of life, including the clothes we wear. While fashion changes, the reason for being in school does not. Moderation and modesty are the key guidelines when making choices about dress. It is essential that we have parental cooperation in maintaining a positive and respectful learning environment, which is fostered by dressing appropriately for school. To this end, school clothing should be modest, functional and God pleasing.
General Guidelines
Students should wear clothing that is appropriate for the weather and school activities while attending school or school-sponsored events. Clothing should be neat, clean and conducive to learning and not restrict movement nor interfere with a student’s ability to see, hear; it should not disrupt the educational process. Hats, hoods and snow boots may not be worn in the classrooms.
We include the following standards for specific guidance:
Do select:
- Shirts that fall below the waistline and show no skin at the mid-torso region regardless of movement
- Shorts and skirts that are longer than the fingertips when standing with relaxed arms
- Clothing that fits appropriately – is not too loose or too tight or that intentionally draws attention to a student’s body
- Clothing which covers all undergarments at all times – sitting as well as standing (a belt or tucked-in undershirt may be necessary to achieve this requirement)
- Hair should not be disruptive for the classroom; hair should not obstruct the vision of classmates, the student or eye contact with the teacher
- Shoes, crocks or sandals with back strap (K-4th only; for safety reasons)
Do NOT select:
- Clothing which refers to drugs, alcohol, smoking, profanity, sexual suggestiveness or with words or pictures contrary to Christian principles
- Pants or shorts that have words across the seat of the garment
- Clothing which is ripped or has holes
- Pants that are low-rise and therefore reveal skin or undergarments when seated
- Flip flops (K-4th only; for safety reasons)
Additional Guidelines (Grades 3-8)
Do select:
- Shirts that have minimum 2” straps with necklines that are high enough to cover all cleavage, are without gaps in arm-holes and have complete, intact backs. Sheer shirts must be worn with a layer beneath covering undergarments.
- Leggings, jeggings or tights worn under skirts or tops long enough to cover “bottom”.
Do NOT select:
- Tank tops worn alone with straps less than 2"
- Sheer shirts, unless the clothing layer beneath is not ‘see through’ and covers all undergarments
Special Events & Field Trips
The dress code applies to students during school hours and in all extracurricular activities – including field trips and athletic events.
Concert dress for girls must include pants or a skirt that is below the knee (or longer).
For any field trips involving swimming: boys must wear modest trunks and girls must wear a modest, one-piece swimsuit or a tankini covering the mid-section.
ACS faculty reserves the right to decide what is appropriate in the school setting. When notified of inappropriate clothing by a faculty member, students must cover or change their clothing before they are allowed back in the classroom. The parents will be notified for repeat offences. Please consider clothing choices carefully so that faculty intervention is not necessary and all students and faculty at ACS can concentrate on becoming equipped for service in God’s world.
Field Trips/Chaperon Policy
Field trips planned by the teacher enhance the curriculum. Permission slips will be sent home prior to the outing. Parents who want to respond to any request to chaperon must adhere to the requirements of the Field Trip Chaperon form and must have completed and signed the chaperon permission section of the Family Emergency Form that was completed at the start of the current school year.
Library Policies
(Updated May 2013)
Books Available
- Everybody books (aka picture books)
- Easy Readers (I Can Read, etc.)
- Beginning Fiction (Easy chapter books – e.g. The Littles)
- Fiction – chapter books for all ACS students
- Middle School Fiction – fiction titles with reading levels, themes, or subject matter more appropriate for older readers. This section is limited to middle school students; however, parents may give written permission for elementary students to check out specific titles.
- Nonfiction and Biography – Titles from beginning to adult reading levels, categorized with the Dewey Decimal System. To help guide younger readers to books they can read independently, books below a 3rd grade reading level are marked with blue dots.
- Reference – encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other traditional reference tools
Checkout Periods
- Elementary: 1 week
- Middle school: 2 weeks
Checkout Guidelines
- Kindergarten: 1 book
- 1st and 2nd grade: 2 books
- 3rd - 5th grades: 3 books
- Middle school: 12 books
- All students may place holds on books.
- Elementary students generally pick up their holds at library time.
- Middle school students receive email notices when their requested books are ready to pick up.
- We will hold books for a week before re-shelving them.
- Students may renew books as needed. Books can be renewed without being physically present. If another student is waiting to read the renewed book, we will ask the renewing reader to finish as quickly as possible.
- Middle school students can go to library.adachristian.org, log in, and renew their own books once. Library staff can add additional renewals as needed.
Overdue notices
- Elementary
- Parents will receive emailed notices the evening before their child’s library day for any overdue books (but not books due the next day.)
- Students with overdues on library day will generally be allowed to check out one additional book until they reach a total of 5.
- Middle school
- The day before books are due, students will receive emailed reminders to return or renew their books.
- All students with overdue books will receive notices on Wednesdays.
- Homeroom teachers will receive lists of students with overdue books on Wednesdays.
- Parents will receive notices on Wednesdays when their students’ books are two or more weeks overdue.
Late fines
- ACS library does not charge fines for late books.
Damaged books
- When a book is returned in damaged condition, staff will try to repair it. If it is not repairable, parents will receive a notice requesting the replacement cost of the book.
Lost books
- Students or parents may request that a missing book be marked “lost” on the student’s record. This will stop the system from continuing to send overdue notices regarding that title. If the book is still lost at the end of the school year, a bill will be mailed home.
End of year procedure
- With a few exceptions, students will not check out books during the last 2 weeks of school.
- During the last 2 weeks of school, parents will receive daily email notices if their students still have books checked out.
- After the last day of school, students with unreturned library books will receive mailed bills.
Severe Weather Policy & Procedures
If fog or weather conditions result in a two hour delay or closing being necessary you will receive an email and text notification from ACS; it will also be posted on Facebook and Wood TV.
ACS relies upon Forest Hills Public Schools Transportation Dept to assess road conditions. We close when they do during weather emergencies.
If Lowell Public Schools closes and Forest Hills Schools remain open, Ada Christian School will remain open, but the Ada Christian buses to Lowell will not run and those parents will need to bring their students into school that day and pick them up at the end of the day.
Tornado Watch & Warning Guidelines
A “tornado watch” means that conditions are favorable for the development or occurrence of severe thunderstorms and possibly tornadoes. A “tornado warning” means a funnel cloud or tornado has been visually sighted or indicated on radar. Students and staff need to proceed with appropriate protective measures in either event. Students will be held in school throughout a tornado watch and/or warning and for severe thunderstorms. The procedure to be followed in the event of a tornado watch or tornado warning is:
- In case of a tornado watch or warning, faculty and students will follow emergency safety procedures as instructed by civil defense authorities.
- School will be closed whenever a “watch” or “warning” is in effect within 2 hours prior to the starting time of school.
- In the event of a tornado “watch” or “warning” announcement from civil defense headquarters occurs during school, students will remain in school.
- If a tornado “watch” is in effect at regular dismissal times, students will be dismissed to their normal bus runs. Weather conditions will be evaluated for walkers and, if unsafe, these students will be held at school and their parents notified.
- If a tornado “warning” is in effect at regular dismissal times, all students, including those who walk, will be held in school until the warning is lifted or until parents pick them up.
- Parents who are concerned may pick up their children at any time during a tornado “watch” or “warning” and must sign them out in the office.
- Parents should have a plan for their children to follow when no one will be home upon their arrival from school.
- After-school and evening activities shall be canceled whenever tornado “watches” or “warnings” are in effect. If an “All Clear” is announced two hours prior to starting time of the activity, the activity will meet as scheduled.
- Students living in the Lowell area will follow the same guidelines as Forest Hills area students. Our buses will follow the Forest Hills schedule.
Prescription Medication Policy
Administration of Oral Medication
- For students taking oral medication in school, the following steps need to be taken.
- The parents/guardian needs to request the school in writing (using the forms provided by the school office) of their desire to have medications administered at school in compliance with label instructions, and:
- Has brought medication directly to the school office in a properly labeled container; or,
- Has given the medication to an adult staff person in a properly labeled container; or,
- The pharmacy from which the medication was purchased may deliver the medication directly to the school office.
- Procedures for administering medication:
- The administrator will designate one or more persons to administer all medication in the building.
- The person administering medication will do so in the presence of another adult.
- Medication is administered in an appropriate time and place so as to preserve the dignity of the student.
- Permanent written record is kept of all medication administered, using the prescribed form.
- Medication is kept in a locked container, drawer or cabinet.
- The student’s physician must have prescribed the medication and submitted written instructions for its administration. Administration of medication must cease at the written request of the parent/guardian or at the end of the time period of the prescription.
- Changes in the medication dosage may only be made according to the written instructions of the student’s physician.
- Noncompliance of policy and rules will lead to discontinuation of administration of medication at school.
- Parent/Guardian will be notified of students observed with or taking medication apart from the policy and rules.
- Where conditions are not followed, staff may refuse to continue the administration of medication.
- Students taking inhaled and injection type prescribed medications will follow procedures established on an individual basis.
Transportation: Busing & Parking Policies
Parking Information
Safety is our main concern in setting up procedures for vehicles on campus.
- Please watch carefully for your children. AT NO TIME ARE STUDENTS TO WALK BEHIND OR BETWEEN CARS.
- Avoid using cell phones while driving on school property.
- Fox Hollow Bus Loop
The larger loop off Fox Hollow is for bus traffic only. At the end of the school day, students will line up at their bus stops, and their assigned bus will pick them up at the stop. - Ada Drive Loop
Parents may drop off students in the morning using the Ada Dr. car loop in front of the building. Please follow the signs. - Do not park in the car loop.
- Preschool students may be dropped off and picked up using the Ada Dr. car loop. Follow the instructions of your preschool teacher in determining times and placements.
- At the end of the school day, the car loop is reserved FOR PICK UP for families whose ONLY STUDENT IS A KINDERGARTNER.
- All families picking up OLDER OR MULTIPLE CHILDREN AND A KINDERGARTNER are encouraged to park by backing into the parking lot spots and waiting for their children to exit from school to go to their cars.
Busing is provided at no extra cost to ACS families in two possible ways:
- If the home is in the Forest Hills school district, Forest Hills Public Schools will provide busing for ACS students.
- Morning Procedures: ACS students are picked up with Forest Hills Public School Ada Vista and High School students in their neighborhoods, they are brought to a designated Forest Hills Public School where they transfer to a bus that will drop them off at Ada Christian School.
- After School Procedures: the Forest Hills Public School bus takes ACS students to Ada Vista to pick up students from that school and then proceeds to a designated Forest Hills Public School where students transfer to a neighborhood bus for the remainder of their ride home.
- If the home is located in the Lowell School District or the south end of the Rockford School District, ACS students will be picked up by Ada Christian buses. Routes are designed each year to accommodate the most families and yet keep the length of the route close to an hour.
Bus Transportation Rules
- All students ride the bus at their own risk. Medical expenses incurred while riding any bus are not covered by school insurance policies.
- All buses line up along the bus loop in the drive.
- Students form a line while waiting for the bus.
- Drivers give permission to board the buses after buses have come to a full stop.
- Students are not allowed to ride on a bus different from the one assigned.
- In emergency situations, a child may ride a different Ada Christian School bus. However, the request must be made in writing and include the student’s name, bus number, destination and the reason for the request. Parents must sign the request.
- Children who need to go to a sitter’s home on a regular basis and need to ride a Forest Hills bus must file a formal request with Forest Hills Transportation. Students who do not regularly ride Forest Hills buses are not permitted to ride for any reason.
- All bus change permission slips must be approved by the principal.
Wellness Policy
Ada Christian School recognizes its role in working with parents and the broader community in promoting and modeling healthy behaviors. The positive correlation between students’ health and their ability to learn has been well established. Therefore, Ada Christian School is committed to promote, support and model healthy habits.
Nutrition Education:
- Shall be included in the curriculum to equip students with the knowledge, skills and behaviors to meet standards of good health and lead healthy lives.
Physical Activity:
- Kitchen operations and food preparation shall comply with licensing requirements from the state, including training of all personnel.
- Vending machines on ACS campus will not include candy or sweetened soft drinks.
- All students in grades K-8 shall participate in physical activity through regularly scheduled PE classes.
- All students in grades K-8 shall be provided with a daily recess period.
- The physical education curriculum shall provide instruction in the requirements and benefits of physical activity, and shall stress the importance of remaining physically active for life.
- Instruction in physical education classes shall stress participation, fairness, and cooperation, in a safe and loving environment.
- Ada Christian School shall provide access to the outdoor facilities on campus outside the normal school day.