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ACS is seeking a Band & Music Assistant

The band and music assistant works in collaboration with our band director to administer the 5th - 8th grade band & music program. This is an hourly position with approximately 12-15 hours per week. 

  • Mondays: 10:00 - 3:00
  • Other days TBD 


Work Skills

  • Helps provide leadership for the ACS’s band and music program.
  • Organizes and carries out a practice schedule as directed.
  • Coordinates and supervises assigned activities with the school calendar.
  • Assists in maintaining an equipment and inventory list as directed.
  • Assists with the cleaning and repair of instruments as directed.
  • Provides guidance, communicates high expectations, and shows an active interest in student progress. Promotes academic success as an important priority for all students.
  • Maintains accurate records and submits reports on time.
  • Maintains the confidentiality of privileged information.
  • Watches for student behavior that may indicate a problem (e.g., profanity, teasing, bullying, distress, etc.). Intervenes and/or reports concerns to an administrator.
  • Supports an inclusive educational environment. Provides opportunities for students with educational needs to participate in appropriate peer group activities.
  • Supervises students to ensure staff/student safety.
  • Performs other specific job-related duties as directed.

Personal Traits

  • Faithful follower of Jesus Christ, active church member
  • Friendly, patient, cordial personality
  • Demonstrate flexible behavior
  • Desire to learn
  • Model Christ and principles of Scripture in:
    • Relationships of love and respect with students, staff and parents
    • Personal and professional choices
    • Hygiene, dress and speech
  • Collaborate as valuable contributors to staff community and work, with a willingness to learn, discuss and make appropriate changes.

Ready to Apply?

Here's what we need to know.

Basic Information


We'd also like to see:

  • a cover letter
  • a resume
  • a list of references (with relevant contact information)

Provide the following information:

  1. Please tell us about yourself, including church membership and involvement, family, and activities you enjoy.

  2. Describe your relationship with Jesus Christ and share how that influences your work.

  3. What kinds of educational and work experiences have you had to prepare you for this position?

  4. What strengths would you bring to as a support to teachers and students?

  5. What do you consider to be the biggest challenge related to working with middle school students?

  6. Why are you seeking a position at Ada Christian School?

Include the following statement and data in your response:

In consideration of the receipt and evaluation of this application by Ada Christian School, I agree and represent that the information contained in the application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I also authorize any references listed on this application, or not identified in this application, to provide Ada Christian School, if asked, information regarding my character and fitness for employment.

Signature (may be electronic)

Submit Your Application

Please email the information listed above to , Principal.