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Middle School Matters – Nov 15, 2019

General Announcements

Dates for your calendar:

Nov 21 - Butter Braids Go Home (8th graders only)

Nov 27-29 No School, Thanksgiving Break

Dec 12 - 5-8 Christmas Concert - 56 wears retreat shirt and khakis or black on the bottom, 78 wears white on top and black on the bottom

Upcoming Chapels/Small Groups for 6-8 (Chapel meets 8:15-8:45 in the Commons)

Nov 22 -  Chapel - 78 Only (6th working on a project)

Nov 26 - All School Thanksgiving Chapel Led by 56 (not a Friday)

Fifth Grade: 

Rice Week (Nov 18-22) No Lunch needed next week. Please check your email for more details.

Art: 5t for decomposers (worms!)

Sixth Grade:

Student iPads coming home: Beginning Mon, Dec 02, students will bring their school iPad home with them each night. We have some information and suggestions to share with you before this happens. Please review this information and talk with your student before Dec 02.

Devotion Sign-up: Sign up to lead devotions for our 6th Graders on a Thursday (8:00-8:10am) this school year. We love to have parents and guests come to share a story, song, verse, prayer or devotional with us!

Weekend Chicken Checkup: Check to to see when your family is on the schedule for weekend chores. If you have a conflict on your assigned weekend, please work in advance to switch with another family. Click here for the instructions for Weekend Chicken Checkup. Questions? Contact Bill Hoo at 616.250.0089 

Art: 6th grade\finistart  unit on Electromagnetic Force!

Seventh Grade:

Art: 7th grade cound us. 

Eighth Grade:

Yearbook Pictures and Baby Pictures:

If you would have not yet submitted your child's yearbook or baby photo please do so by the end of November () . Pictures should be vertical in orientation and mostly a “head and shoulders” or “waist up” style picture.

For the Baby Picture, you may submit those either as digital images or as printed photos. Please email the images to Dani Buchanan at

Art: 8thB Tr system.