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Middle School Matters - Apr 15, 2016

General Announcements – Order May Hot Lunch by midnight Apr. 15, Fine Arts Night info

Grade Level Announcements

General Announcements

Hot Lunch - Did you forget to order for May? Mrs. Prins is giving everyone until midnight tonight (tax day, Apr 15) to order online. The MS picnic is Friday, May 20 - If you forgot to order this picnic lunch online, we will offer it on paper as well, soon.

Fine Arts Night - Thursday, Apr 28
6:30-8:30 – the ACS hallways will be filled with AMAZING art work!
6:30-8:00 – the North Gym will host our 6th grade World Fair!
6:30-7:30 – the Library will be a place to experience our Elementary TECH EXPO!
6:30-7:00 – the South Gym will ring with the sounds of our 7th grade band
7:00-7:30 – the commons will resound with the work of our 7th/8th grade Orchestra
7:15-7:45 – the South Gym will be blessed with the sounds of our 8th grade band
7:45-8:15 – the South Gym will be filled with the sounds of our combined 8th grade band/orchestra followed by an honoring of our 8th grade musicians.

Fifth Grade:

Art: Our next art project will focus around the artist Wayne Thiebaud and his artwork.

Band: We will give a concert during Grand Friends Day, Friday, May 06. We will give our grand spring concert on Monday, May 23 at ACS. Please add these dates to your calendar!

Bible: Jesus projects continue this week! We are nearing the end of the project and will be writing, coloring, editing, and finishing things for the next week or two.

Language Arts: We continue to work on persuasive essays this week. We finished “Reading in the Wild” and will introduce a new project very soon!

Math: Geometry Test next Wednesday! A pretest will be taken on Monday, they can use to review at home as well, review again on Tuesday in class.

Orchestra: 5th grade strings learned the notes on the G string and the G Major scale very well. There will be a playing quiz on numbers 105,106 and 107 - next Monday and Tuesday. AS always - be sure to call, e-mail or stop in if you ever have any questions or concerns about anything in orchestra! I am happy to help!

PE: We will begin our tennis unit next week! Students will also be completing a physical activity log. Look for that next week as well.

Spanish: A study guide was given to 5th graders for their TEST next week: 5B and 5DW on Monday; 5H on Tuesday.

Sixth Grade:

Art: The sixth is working on their animal effigy pots. Both class have 2 class remaining to have their animals effigy pot built. During this project classroom time management is very important in order to complete the work on time. A quiz on the ceramic terms will be happening in the first week of May. Keep studying the green sheet of terms. Check the homework calendar for due dates and sketchbook homework.

Band: We will give a concert during Grand Friends Day, Friday, May 06. We will give our grand spring concert on Monday, May 23 at ACS. Please add these dates to your calendar!

Bible: Parent's signature for Bible memory choice sheets due Monday. Finishing up our Patriarchs unit this week.

History: If you have not completed it already make sure you do The Armor of God activity with your child. It is in their spiral notebook. They should be done with Lesson 2 this week, and beginning Lesson 3 next week.

Language Arts: Students have been working so hard. I am proud of them. Display boards are due on Wednesday, April 27, however, they can be turned in on Tuesday, April 19 for extra credit. Students should have a copy of the requirements. If not, they can be located on Moodle.

LOOKING AHEAD: A few details about World Fair during Fine Arts Night on Thursday, April 28:

The night begins at 6:30 and ends at 8:00. Students should arrive to north gym around 6:15 wearing nice clothing. Parents often help students set up and put food in SMALL portions. Any extra “stuff” can go under the table. (Students/Parents should let me know if they need an outlet. If so, please bring an extension cord.) Students will need to stay by their boards from 6:30-7:30.

At the end of the night, all food and artifacts can go home, BUT PORTFOLIOS AND DISPLAY BOARDS MUST STAY AT SCHOOL.

These students have worked SSSOOOO hard and have learned so much. Thanks for your support in this valuable project. It should be a fun night. Bring your camera and appetite!

Math: We will continue with perimeter and area. Our test will be on Friday.

PE: We will begin our tennis unit next week! Students will also be completing a physical activity log. Look for that next week as well.

Orchestra: We are putting the polish on several pieces of sheet music to include in our program for Grand Friends Day,May 6th. Ask your super string player for a sneak preview concert. Be sure to call me if you ever have any questions or concerns. I am happy to help in any way that I can!

Science: We’ll have an iCheck over density and convection on Tuesday. Then we will begin a study of heat transfer.

Spanish:  Students will be presenting their Family Trees! Each student will just talk about several members of their family, demonstrating knowledge of a variety of vocabulary learned over the year. They are allowed NO notes while presenting, and they will entertain questions after their presentations.

Seventh Grade:

Algebra (7th): Planning on a chapter 10 quiz over sections 1-6 on Monday, April 18 and a test over chapter 10 on Thursday April 21.

Art: Students are nearing the end of the layers of life project. These projects and artist statements (download and upload the form on the art moodle page) are due at the end of next week on 4/22/16. Check the homework calendar for due dates and sketchbook homework.

Band: We will be giving a concert on Fine Arts Night at 6:30pm in the South Gym (on the big stage!) Call time is 6:15 that evening. We have so much to show you! This will be our big spring band event - come to see and hear us!

Bible: Memory work is Haggai 2:6-9 as we study the return to Jerusalem.

History: Next week we will continue to look at some of the first settlements in the different regions of America. We will discuss reasons why the Puritans to came to America, learn about William Penn’s Holy Experiment, and see growing tension between the rich and the poor in the South.

Language Arts: Parents, thank you so much for your contribution to the editing process of the Paideia essays! You gave excellent constructive feedback, and your involvement is very valuable. The third draft of the Paideia essay is due Thursday, April 21. On Monday, the students will receive a checklist of things that are necessary for that submission.

PE: We will begin our tennis unit next week! Students will also be completing a physical activity log. Look for that next week as well.

Pre-Algebra (Kiser): Probability will be our focus.

Orchestra: Playing quiz on Monday on Beach Spring and Sonata Vivant!

Science: We have finished our FOSS unit and will be moving into the study of birds.

Spanish: VERBS TEST for 7W and 7H on Tuesday. TEST for 7B on Thursday.

Eighth Grade:

Sports Physicals

Current 8th graders planning to play sports in high school in 2016-17 school year need to have a physical on file with the high school athletic office before they are allowed to participate. A valid physical for 2016-17 must be completed anytime on or after April 15, 2016. Here is the MHSAA physical form.

Algebra (Witte): We are learning how to factor quadratic equations.  

Algebra (8th): Our chapter 8 test on Exponents & Exponential Functions will be on Tuesday.

Art: The 8th graders must have their ceramic pots glazed by the end of class Tuesday for 8A and the end of class Wednesday. Also on those same days both classes of 8th graders have 3 thumbnail sketches due of their own original version of space invader like creatures in their sketchbook. The options for these creatures can range for real animals to space creatures or even be inspired by classic or current video game characters. However each character has to be an artist original - think pac-man with Elvis hair or mustache. Check the homework calendar for due dates and sketchbook homework.

Band: We will be giving a concert on Fine Arts Night at 7:15pm in the South Gym (on the big stage!) Call time is 7:00pm that evening. The 8th graders will be honored during this concert. We have so much to show you! We are also playing a special concert on May 05 at a local church (you will get an email about this one) and again on Grand Friends Day, May 06 here at ACS.

Bible: Students were given a Book of Acts Newspaper project to complete. The rough draft is due Monday, April 25. It should be printed in black and white for your classmates to edit. The final draft is due on Wednesday April 27. Bible memory for April is due April 28.

Geometry: Proportions Test  (Ch 12) Tuesday and Wednesday of next week

History: We will continue to study the Civil War. We will focus on the impact the Emancipation Proclamation had on the war. We will also see how the war impacted life back home in both the North and the South.

Language Arts: Because of the Willing to Wait program, the 8th graders will only have LA every other day. During this time, we will continue studying grammar and diagramming.

PE: We will begin our tennis unit next week! Students will also be completing a physical activity log. Look for that next week as well.

Orchestra: Playing Quiz on Monday - on 16th and 32nd note parts of Blue Fire and Pachelbel!

Science: We will continue a study of igneous rocks before moving on to a more specific study of volcanoes and earthquakes.

Spanish: 8th graders have a TEST next week. 8A test is Monday. 8B test is Friday. Two resources are open on Moodle for them to study: Vocabulary and Verbs.


The 5th/6th and 7th/8th girls’ soccer teams have their first games Saturday! If you’re interested in cheering them on, you can find the game schedules on the Wildcats Athletics website.